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2019 Mountain RATS Trail Run

  • 50K Ultra Marathon Trail Run:- 50K
  • Marathon Trail Run:- Run 26.2 Miles
  • Half Marathon Trail Run:- Run 13.1 Miles
  • Septemberfest 5K Trail Run:- Run 3.1 Miles
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Start Time
Entry Fee
Color Coffee Roasters
717 Sylvan Lake Road

2019 Mountain RATS - Eagle, CO

Come celebrate fall in the mountains with a trail running challenge! An exciting day of festival fun and adventure on the trails near Eagle, Colorado. With the start/finish line right in the heart of Eagle’s new fall festival, Septemberfest, friends and family can enjoy themselves while you push yourself in the rugged mountain race. Afterwards, relax with a beer, hot meal, or just sit and listen to live music. Racers can choose from a Heavy Half, Marathon or 50K. Held in conjunction is the Septemberfest 5K, a scenic, flat and fast course in Eagle, Colorado. All ages and abilities are welcome; you can walk, jog, run or race. Same start/finish as our Mountain RATS trail runs – invite your family and friends to enjoy some miles around town while you explore the trails. Proceeds help benefit SOS Outreach.

Course Info

The Mountain RATS courses will be challenging, beautiful, and almost 100% dirt.

Aid Stations We will have nine aid stations located throughout the 50K course, six for the marathon and four for the half (at approximately five-mile intervals).

Aid Stations will have: gels, potato chips, peanut butter and jelly rolls, chocolate, bananas, ice water and Tailwind Endurance Fuel hydration.

To reduce waste, cups will not be provided at the aid stations.
Aid stations will NOT have aspirin, ibuprofen or other NSAIDs.

• 33.2mi with 6500’+ of climbing
• Printable 50K Map
• Garmin 50K Map

Aid Stations:
• Arroyo (2.4 miles)
• Firebox (6.5 miles)
• Dead Cow (10.5 miles)
• Spring Creek (13.0 miles) Cut-off 11:40am
• Easy Rider (17.5 miles)
• School House (20.5mi) Cut-off 2:00pm
• Spring Creek II (24.0 miles)
• Easy Rider II (28.5 miles)
• School House II (31.5 miles)
• Finish Cut-off 5:00pm

• 26.0 miles with 5000’+ of climbing
• Printable Marathon Map
• Strava Marathon Map

Aid Stations:
• Arroyo (6.2 miles)
• Firebox (10.3 miles)
• Dead Cow (14.3 miles)
• Spring Creek (16.8 miles) Cut-off 2:30pm
• Easy Rider (21.3 miles) Cut-off 3:30pm
• School House (24.3 miles)
• Finish Cut-off 5:00pm

Heavy Half
• 14.4 miles with 2720’+ of climbing
• Printable Heavy Half Map 

Aid Stations:
• School House (1.7 miles)
• Spring Creek (5.2 miles)
• Easy Rider (9.7 miles)
• School House II (12.7 miles)
• Finish (14.4 miles) There are no cut-offs for the Heavy Half Marathon!

• The Mountain RATS 50K starts in the heart of Eagle’s Septemberfest, next to Color Coffee Roasters. Racers begin by running 2 miles on the bike path along Eagle Ranch Road and Haystacker Drive, where a right turn onto the Turniphead Trail marks the start of dirt miles until the finish. Just shy of a mile after turning onto dirt, runners encounter their first aid station, Arroyo, at mile 2.4. From Arroyo, the course continues steadily up, first on double track on Third Gulch Trail, then veering left onto singletrack on Pipeline Trail. Throughout this climb, runners travel from sage-covered high desert into beautiful aspen groves on the Pipeline Trail. 1300 vertical feet above Arroyo, runners reach aid station #2, Firebox, at mile 6.5. Runners leave the aid station and continue uphill on Hardscrabble Road briefly to a hard right turn onto Firebox Road. After 2 miles trending up through forest and pastureland on Firebox Road, runners veer left onto singletrack and descend to Spring Creek. After veering left, the singletrack crosses the road again soon; watch closely and keep straight at this intersection. Once at Spring Creek, a left turn on Dead Cow Trail leads runners back uphill to aid station #3, Dead Cow, at mile 10.5. A steep but short climb awaits runners as they leave the aid station on Mike’s Night Out. The course rewards with sweeping views as it continues on Mike’s Night Out, gently descending to aid station #4, Spring Creek, at mile 13.0. From the aid station, runners turn left and begin a 1.5-mile stretch of dirt road that again offers views northward across much of the trail system. This stretch begins with a gentle descent but soon climbs steeply over a saddle. Shortly after the saddle, runners leave the road with a slight right turn onto Easy Rider Trail. A bit of climbing at the start of Easy Rider Trail leads to a cruisy 800-foot singletrack descent over 2.5 miles ending at aid station #4, Easy Rider at mile 17.5. Runners cross the road and continue on double track that eventually merges with Star Wars Trail, a fun singletrack descent. The descent ends abruptly with a right turn onto Pole Road, where the climbing begins again in earnest. Runners climb straight up the exposed Pole Road to its high point then turn right onto a short section of singletrack that joins the Hockett Gulch Trail. Here, runners enjoy a smooth descent to a right turn onto School House Rock Trail. Runners follow this short section of rolling trail into aid station #5, School House I, at mile 20.5. Here, 50K runners part ways with marathoners and turn uphill and right onto Elmer’s Trail. Over the next 3.7 miles, runners veer left onto World’s Greatest Trail then right onto Scratch Trail, meanwhile netting 1100 feet of vertical gain (with some short, fun descents and wide open views in the mix). The course reaches Spring Creek Aid Station for a second time at mile 23.0. Runners then venture onto familiar territory, following the same route they covered already between Spring Creek AS and School House Rock AS. The course passes through aid station #8, Easy Rider II, at 28.0 miles and reaches aid station #9, School House Rock II, at 30.5 miles. From here, the fun isn’t quite over, as the course heads up one final 200-foot climb. From the top of this punchy climb, the trail makes a serpentine descent to the Horton Street Trailhead. Runners head down the neighborhood street and turn left onto the bike path. A short 0.4 miles along this path lead to the finish line and after party at Color Coffee Roasters.

• The Mountain RATS Marathon starts in the heart of Eagle’s Septemberfest, next to Color Coffee Roasters. Racers begin by running 2 miles on the bike path along Eagle Ranch Road and Haystacker Drive to access the Wall Trail, from which point the course remains on dirt until the finish. Runners climb gently along the Wall and Riddle Trails, enjoying views south toward the high peaks surrounding Sylvan Lake State Park, then gently descend the Mayer Gulch Trail. The course takes a sharp left on the Turniphead Trail and soon begins the first sustained climb of the race. Half a mile into the climb, runners encounter their first aid station, Arroyo, at mile 6.2. From Arroyo, the course continues steadily up, first on double track on Third Gulch Trail, then veering left onto singletrack on Pipeline Trail. Throughout this climb, runners travel from sage-covered high desert into beautiful aspen groves on the Pipeline Trail. 1300 vertical feet above Arroyo, runners reach aid station #2, Firebox, at mile 10.5. Runners leave the aid station and continue uphill on Hardscrabble Road briefly to a hard right turn onto Firebox Road. After 2 miles trending up through aspen forest and pastureland on Firebox Road, runners veer left onto singletrack and descend to Spring Creek. After veering left, the singletrack crosses the road again soon; watch closely and keep straight at this intersection. Once at Spring Creek, a left turn on Dead Cow Trail leads runners back uphill to aid station #3, Dead Cow, at mile 14.5. A steep but short climb awaits runners as they leave the aid station on Mike’s Night Out. The course rewards with sweeping views as it continues on Mike’s Night Out, gently descending to aid station #4, Spring Creek, at mile 17.0. From the aid station, runners turn left and begin a 1.5-mile stretch of dirt road that again offers views northward across much of the trail system. This stretch begins with a gentle descent but soon climbs steeply over a saddle. Shortly after the saddle, runners leave the road with a slight right turn onto Easy Rider Trail. A bit of climbing at the start of Easy Rider Trail leads to a cruisy 800-foot singletrack descent over 2.5 miles ending at aid station #5, Easy Rider at mile 21.5. Runners cross the road and continue on double track that eventually merges with Star Wars Trail, a fun singletrack descent. The descent ends abruptly with a right turn onto Pole Road, where the climbing begins again in earnest. Runners climb straight up the exposed Pole Road to its high point then turn right onto a short section of singletrack that joins the Hockett Gulch Trail. Here, runners enjoy a smooth descent to a right turn onto School House Rock Trail. Runners follow this short section of rolling trail into the final aid station, School House, at mile 24.5. From here, the fun isn’t quite over, as the course heads up one final 200-foot climb. From the top of this punchy climb, the trail makes a serpentine descent to the Horton Street Trailhead. Runners head down the neighborhood street and turn left onto the bike path. A short 0.4 miles along this path lead to the finish line and after party at Color Coffee Roasters.

Heavy Half
• The Mountain RATS Heavy Half Marathon starts in the heart of Eagle’s Septemberfest, next to Color Coffee Roasters. A short stretch on bike path and up Horton Street leads to singletrack on the School House Rock Trail. Upon accessing dirt, runners climb a quick 200 vertical feet over 0.7 miles, followed by a similar descent to aid station #1, School House, at mile 1.7. A hard left turn onto Elmer’s Trail marks the start of the race’s longest climb of 4 miles and 1100 net vertical feet. This mostly steady climb offers occasional breaks of short, fun descents and wide open views. During this climb, runners veer left onto World’s Greatest Trail, right onto Scratch Trail and left onto Reynold’s Rap. The climb tops out at aid station #2, Spring Creek, at mile 5.7. From the aid station, runners turn right and begin a 1.5-mile stretch of dirt road. This stretch begins with a gentle descent but soon climbs steeply over a saddle. Shortly after the saddle, runners leave the road with a slight right turn onto Easy Rider Trail. A bit of climbing at the start of Easy Rider Trail leads to a cruisy 800-foot singletrack descent over 2.5 miles ending at aid station #3, Easy Rider at mile 9.1. Runners cross the road and continue on double track that eventually merges with Star Wars Trail, a fun singletrack descent. The descent ends abruptly with a right turn onto Pole Road, where the climbing begins again in earnest. Runners climb straight up the exposed Pole Road to its high point then turn right onto a short section of singletrack that joins the Hockett Gulch Trail. Here, runners enjoy a smooth descent to a right turn onto School House Rock Trail. Runners follow this short section of rolling trail into the final aid station, School House II, at mile 12.4. From here, the fun isn’t quite over, as the course heads up one final 200-foot climb. From the top of this punchy climb, the trail makes a serpentine descent to the Horton Street Trailhead. Runners head down the neighborhood street and turn left onto the bike path. A short 0.4 miles along this path lead to the finish line and after party at Color Coffee Roasters.


Color Coffee Roasters (717 Sylvan Lake Rd) will host the packet pick-up. The start/finish line will be on the grass next to the store in the heart of the Septemberfest celebration. Your race number and packet will be available at this location Friday night and Saturday morning. Parking will be on the streets near the start/finish and surrounding the Septemberfest


 2018 Results at: racetecresults.com or ultrasignup.com 
 2017 Results at: racetecresults.com or ultrasignup.com 


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