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2022 Rocket City Microthon ? - -

  • 0.12K Miicrothon:- 0.12K Miicrothon
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Start Time
2:00 pm
Butler Green at Campus 805
2620 Clinton Ave W

_ The 2022 Rocket City Microthon:

YES! The 5th Annual Rocket City Microthon is October 16 2022!

Put it on your calendar, follow/like us on Instagram and Facebook, respond to the event on Facebook. I can't emphasize this enough: START TRAINING RIGHT NOW.  I suggest you go ahead and carbo-load today.

What? AGAIN?

Call us crazy. Maybe we're addicted to the runner's high. Maybe we are just ready to get out of the house for an outdoor social activity. Maybe we like it when our special needs friends get to go to art camp. Whatever the reason, the Microthon is BACK baby!

The Rocket City Microthon is the most (the only?) prestigious event for the least elite non-athletes. Put on your numbered bib (just like the real racers!) and run, walk, crawl, skip, roll - whatever it takes to get across the 0.12K Butler Green at Campus 805 and claim your coveted Finisher's Medal (aka bottle opener) and oval "0.12K" sticker to let other drivers know "Hey I'm better than you." Don't let all the fun tents with cool stuff along the course distract you from your goal - visit them on your way to redeem your golden ticket at a participating Campus 805 brewery or restaurant! Maybe put on your race T-shirt first so everyone will be impressed with your non-athletic prowess. 

You've done it once, twice, FOUR TIMES and think "whew, now I can cross Microthon off my bucket list"? Not so fast buster. Are you going to be the one to tell the performers who presented you your previous medals that they've been to special needs arts camp once, twice, three times and now can cross it off their list? I didn't think so either. 

Kiddo wants a t-shirt and medal too and their school isn't thrilled with our Boozer logo? Anyone can register for the $15 Kiddo Packet - registration includes a "Boozer-free" T-shirt, medal and sticker. NO TICKETS are included but there's always the Golden Ticket add-on package.

One golden ticket not enough? Add our Golden Ticket package and get two MORE golden tickets (be sure to download the Uber or Lyft app before you come). Hopefully you'll figure out that this package is tickets ONLY, not race registration and all the accompanying swag. Feel free to just buy this if you just want to consume while watching the race. You will be presented with the option to buy 2 more golden tickets when you register for the race or the Slacker's Package. Buy the extra tickets! Tickets can be used at Straight to Ale, Yellowhammer, Earth & Stone Wood Fired Pizza, Hops & Guac, and Offbeat Coffee Studio (maybe we'll sweet-talk more vendors into taking the tickets) and are worth $6 each, and valid on the day of the event only (2pm-6pm).

0.12K too much for you? Would you consider 383 feet? No? Oh well, then the Slacker's Package is for you. You get all the swag and none of the sweat. Sure, it's double the price but if I know you, you'll pay anything not to have to run. Hit that Donate button again if the price isn't high enough to assuage your guilt.

Think you're not ready for an 0.12K? Then plan to like our Facebook page for our "Recliner to 0.12K" ('cause that 'other word for sofa to 5K' is copyrighted and they are a snippy bunch) training program led by Huntsville Adventure Boot Camp coach Joe Martin. RSVP to our event and share it on your own page - everyone will be impressed with your athletic ability (especially those who never learned their metric system).  RocketCityMicrothon FacebookYou can also check out our training videos at our YouTube page here (we suggest you follow the link, instead of searching YouTube for "Microthon", as just one more letter in there gets you videos having to do with people not wearing a lot of underwear): RocketCityMicrothon YouTube

What's the point of all this? Do you NEED a point to enjoy a fall Sunday afternoon of festivities and beer at Campus 805? Fine, then check out the Merrimack Hall section below - all funds from the event go to provide arts education (dance, drama, creative writing, visual arts, arts summer camp, yoga, etc.) to special needs children, youth, and adults. There's a LOT of awesomeness going on at Merrimack. Why not hit the "donate" button above and add a little somepin somepin?

Interested in sponsoring or helping out or know someone who has a lot of money they want to give us? Check out those sections below as well.

You only fit into ONE T-shirt size and it's not XL? Register early to ensure you get the T-shirt size you order. It takes 10 days to get shirts made people!

A few tips:

  • There are 510 parking spaces at Campus 805, and registration is open for 400 people. You rocket scientists can do the math. Why not carpool or Uber/Lyft/taxi there and make it easy on yourself? Then you can buy more Golden Tickets.
  • Please don't drive after you drink. Uber/Lyft/taxi is way cheaper than a DUI.
  • Registration is limited to 400 "runners". That's a lot of elite non-athletes moving across Butler Green at the same time, and we can't be bother this year to do more than ask the Bearded Warriors to hold a jump-roap. But we will do some special kids-only races at some undetermined point when we remember it. And how about spread out the times you show up at the registration tent too? Better yet - come Saturday for packet pickup [time/place to be determined]!
  • Don't drink beer? You're probably skinnier than us. Plus, you can use your golden tickets for non-alcoholic beverages and food at Yellowhammer Brewery, Straight to Ale, Earth and Stone Wood Fired Pizza, Ale's Kitchen, Hops and Guac, and Offbeat Coffee Studio [all these to be confirmed before race day; watch this space]. The ticket is worth $6 but you don't get change if you spend less. And you pay if you spend more. Cause we can do math.
  • Please please please please please please please tip your servers. They make a little from the golden tickets but are willing to put up with a crowd of athletes on a runner's high.
  • Did we steal this idea from Boerne, Texas? Yes of course. We're not that original.
  • We will have packet (your T-shirt and golden ticket(s)) pickup the day before the event, at Yellowhammer Brewery from 12-6. 
  • What if the weather's bad? Then basically you are getting the Slacker's Package for half the price - you get all the swag and you don't have to run. Put on your shirt and undeserved finisher's medal and cash in your tickets enjoy yourself inside Campus 805. In other words, no refunds.
  • We have to order the T-shirts two weeks before the event, so if you register after that, it's possible (nay, likely) that you'll get a choice of large or extra large (if you name is Spalding, you'll get nothing and like it). So please register by September 9. The first person to find the race director on race day and tell them who Spalding is gets an extra Golden Ticket.
  • Regular race registration is limited to 400, but there's no limit on the Slacker's Package (or the Golden Ticket (aka Beer Drinker's) packages!) so if you can't get in to race, you can still get all the swag. Pickup your packet on [to be announced] between 12 and 6 at [to be announced] (details to be emailed Friday 10/16), or if you enjoy lines and confusion and disorganization, the day of the event at the registration tent.
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